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Sunday, April 24, 2011 Y 5:55 PM

Some words from our dear GM, DragonKnlght..

Thanks all for staying with FreshMilk all these while.
Sry that I can't online often due to work.
I know my absence has caused some prob in guild management.

I believe you all are worried over wad happened yesterday.
It’s mainly due to HT causing some people to act rashly.
Cos i lost touch with maple for so long, I want to step in also can't.
This is something we all shld learn from, especially for those who attended the trial yesterday.
We called for an urgent meeting with all Juniors yesterday,
and we decided that, we need some restructuring.
It’s time to give us all a fresh start, a comeback.

To do this, we are gonna create a brand new guild,
ArisenChaos, with Bella heading it and supported by the existing juniors.
I believe you all had seen Bella's hardwork all these while,
from FM being a dead guild to wad FM is today.
I am sure she will be able to bring us all to greater heights as a GM.

The reason for creating a new guild is not because we want to run away from the problem, and leave you behind. We are actually addressing the problem.
Some have asked why gm not stepping in? What happened? Why everyone is quitting?
As a new guild, we ensure that we keep with us those who really want to stay and support FM under the new look.

As a guild, the whole point is to have fun and help each other and be polite.
If it has to be until members shout at each other in CAPS Lock, kick each other and quitting guild, then there’s no point of having a guild.
This new guild is to ensure that everyone has the same goal.. To boss together as a group of FRIENDS.. And to share the success together and laugh over past failures.
We sincerely wish to keep all of you but we understand that some may feel that this is too much to handle. With the new guild, we hope to prevent future conflicts like this.

Now is the time to make ur decision, whether to continue to show ur full support to Bella with FM as a new guild. I will also join Bella and support her as much as possible.
Those who wanna join pls approach our GM/Juniors.
For stayers, we will inform u once new guild is formed.
For those still deciding whether to stay on or not, I hope you will give serious thoughts about it.

Good Luck to all!

<3 FreshMilk

Thursday, April 21, 2011 Y 12:13 AM

11 April 2011 Zakum Run

Attker :
- iSunday
- S0t0ngAng3l
- S0t0ngD3mon
- Noobi3WorId
- Dummiiesx3
- Miniminie

Helper :
- vQuennieV

Drops :
3Helmt ~> S0t0ngAng3l (1) , Dummiiesx3(2)
Basic ~>  AC ( JiroxD) , FC, high def , fb , tempest
SB ~> Stance 30

Y 12:07 AM

20 April 2011 Zakum  .

- Existealth

DC List
- iSundayPala  ::  Die at B3 ::
- iBabyTeddy ; ( xFrozenSoulx using ) :: Dc at B3 ::

Drops :
Berserk 20
Infinity 30
Stance 30

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Y 9:52 PM

20 April 2011 GPQ Night run

:: First Round ::
xNone ;  xFrozenSoulx
iBabyTeddy ( REG )
linda6lover ; iBabyTeddy
Dummiiesx3 [  semi afk ]

:: Second Round :: = Failed = ~ xNone Dc ~
iBabyTeddy  ( REG )
xNone ;  xFrozenSoulx
linda6lover ; iBabyTeddy

:: Third Round ::
iBabyTeddy ( REG )
JustTooPure ; Noobi3WorId
xNone ;  xFrozenSoulx
linda6lover ; iBabyTeddy
ImbaBaby ( Logoff at Spear Map. )

Tuesday, April 19, 2011 Y 11:31 PM

2x For May ( 30 / 4 / 2011 - 17 / 5 / 2011 )

2X Drop Rate
From 30th April 2011 to 13th May 2011
Weekdays (Mon – Fri)1930hrs to 2000hrs
2030hrs to 2100hrs
2130hrs to 2200hrs
Weekends (Sat – Sun)1430hrs to 1500hrs
1530hrs to 1600hrs
1630hrs to 1700hrs
1930hrs to 2000hrs
2030hrs to 2100hrs
2130hrs to 2200hrs
Labour Day Special – From 30th April 2011 to 2nd May 2011
All days1500hrs to 1530hrs
1600hrs to 1630hrs
1700hrs to 1730hrs
2000hrs to 2030hrs
2100hrs to 2130hrs
2200hrs to 2230hrs
Mother’s Day Special – From 7th May 2011 to 8th May 2011
All days1500hrs to 1530hrs
1600hrs to 1630hrs
1700hrs to 1730hrs
2000hrs to 2030hrs
2100hrs to 2130hrs
2200hrs to 2230hrs

4 Days Before Impact

2X Drop Rate From 14th May 2011 to 17th May 2011

Weekdays (Mon – Fri)1800hrs to 1900hrs
2000hrs to 2100hrs
Weekends (Sat – Sun)1400hrs to 1500hrs
1600hrs to 1700hrs
1800hrs to 1900hrs
2000hrs to 2100hrs
14th, 15th and 17th May 2011
All days1500hrs to 1600hrs
1700hrs to 1800hrs
1900hrs to 2000hrs
2100hrs to 2200hrs
16th May 2011
All days1900hrs to 2000hrs
2100hrs to 2200hrs

Sunday, April 17, 2011 Y 7:45 PM

April 17 , 17 Man Zak Run

9 Mins 4 Secs .


Y 2:39 AM

Guild CWKPQ 17 Apr 2011 Sunday-  SUCCESSFUL

PT List:-

Org: Bellatrix

Cuti3mag3gal (Pinky using)

Necked: LiGhTNiNHaTK (wa10); iBlackJack (wa10, 6str)
Re-necked: x3DarkReborn (wa11); WaTerTer (wa10)

Sunday, April 10, 2011 Y 11:36 AM

**NEW** ø Stuff that you should know about FreshMilk! ø **NEW**

i. Guild

v      One of the longest standing guilds in Fornax/Gemini – about.. 2yrs+ already? :D
v      Minimum level requirement: 125
v      Short term goal (will be revised every few mths):
o     Recruit more active members. More active NLs, DKs, BMs..
o     Have at least 6 ppl online at anytime, except when everyone is sleeping :X
v      Long term goal: Guild HT Run! All attackers have to be at least level 170
v      Running on Milk Point System (MPS) where members can earn Milk Points (MP). More info on MPS below
v      Junior Guild: FreshMocha
o     To let members playing sub characters keep in touch with FreshMilkies
o     To help us spot potential members for FreshMilk :D
o     Members in FreshMocha will be given priority to join FreshMilk as compared to normal maplers
o     Minimum level requirement: 50
o     Note: Members in FreshMilk is strongly discouraged to hop to FreshMocha. However, if you really wanna go there for some reasons, you may do so after informing GM/JR, but after hopping there, you will not be able to join back FreshMilk anymore
v      Members ranking determined by MP. But basically…
Ø       New member: xDrop
Ø       Normal member: xGram
Ø       Active/Elite member: xLitre
Ø       Junior (JR): xGallon
v      Members interested to become JR, please let GM/JRs know! =D It will be decide by GM/JRs

ii. Guild Events/Runs

v      Scarlion/Targa
v      Zakum
v      Crimsonwood Keep PQ (CWKPQ)
v      Guild PQ (GPQ)
v      Random events organised by members/JRs
v      Chaos Zakum *coming soon*
v      HT *coming soon*

iii. Guild Bank

v      Guild has an account (guild bank) to keep all Skill Books / Equipments / Scrolls and Guild Mesos
v      All items from guild bossing runs (Scroll / Equipment / Skill Book (not Basic) will be kept in guild bank
v      GM/some JR will have access to log in to guild bank
v      Items in guild bank will be listed out in guild blog so that all members will be able to search the item you wan in guild bank
v      Guild bank is open for exchange every weekends
v      Guild members can use MP and some Mesos (half market price – subjected to final decision by GM/JR) to buy items from guild bank
v      Exchange of items depends on your guild ranking , whoever have higher ranking will be able to exchange the item 1st
v      Members can also offer items to sell to guild bank (Fast cash; No rubbish items pls)
v      Guild bank mesos may be used to fund guild events

iv. Milk Point System - MPS (Old name: Guild Point System - GPS)

v      What is Guild Point System: MPS in short. A point system specially created for FreshMilkies to earn Milk Points (MP)! Everyone is entitled to 5 MP when he/she joins the guild!
v      What is MPS for: To add some management and fun element to guild. On top of just helping one another to build up eq and become stronger, FreshMilk would like to reward and recognise your efforts with the help of this system! More info on earning MP below.
v      What can you do with MP: Exchange MP for items like skillbooks and scrolls, and even raise your ranking in guild. More info on exchange system below.
v      Who maintains MPS: GM/JRs
v      How often will the MP be updated: 1~3days (JRs can’t maple 24h... They also hv real life stuff to busy with..)

a) Earn MP by Leveling:
v      Lvl120~140: if you lvled 8 levels or more within 1 week +5 MP
v      Lvl141~160: if you lvled 5 levels or more within 1 week +5 MP
v      Lvl161~170: if you lvled 3 levels or more within 1 week +5 MP
v      Lvl171 and above: +1 MP per level
v      Reach lvl200: +50 MP
b) Earn MP by joining Guild Events/Runs
v      Fix points are assigned to each event, to be divided among participants
v      Example, 90 MP are assigned to CWKPQ; 12 ppl went for CWKPQ; 1 person can get
90/12=7.5 MP each, if it was a successful run. For DC cases, the person will get fixed MP as below
v      Calculation:
o     Take total MP assigned for that event minus the no. of MP put aside for DC-ers and Mules, then divide by total no. of survivors. Continue from above CWKPQ example, 2 ppl dc at B3; Those who nv dc gets [90-(3x2)]/12=7MP each

o     CWKPQ: 90 MP total
At Quest: 1 MP
B1: 1 MP
B2: 2 MP
B3: 3 MP
B4: 3 MP

o     Scarlion/Targa Run: 60 MP total
B1: 0 MP
B2: 1 MP
B3: 2 MP

o     Zakum Run: 60 MP total
Arms: 0 MP
B1: 1 MP
B2: 2 MP
B3: 3 MP

o     GPQ:
1st 5 rounds: 2 MP per round
6th round onwards: 1 MP per round
DC-ers: half of the MP stated above respectively
Organisers: JR
If members want to organize, just get 1 JR to join in the run and that member will still get organiser points

o     Random Events held by GM/JR: MP to be decided by GM/JR.

o     Mules: +1 MP to main character per mule

c) Earn Extra MP by being an Organiser
v      If the event you organized is successful, you are rewarded as below:
o     CWKPQ: 10 extra MP
o     Scar/Targa: 5 extra MP
o     Zakum: 5 extra MP
o     GPQ:
1st round + extra 2 MP
2nd till 5th round + extra 1 MP
6th round onwards no more extra MP awarded

d) Earn extra MP just by being helpful, friendly…
v      If JR receive many good feedbacks abt you, you may be rewarded with MP!
v      However, if JR receive many bad feedbacks abt you, your MP may be deducted too =(

e) Exchanging your MP!
v      Items you exchanging for should be related to your job
v      No re-selling of any item exchanged is allowed
v      Scrolls and Skillbooks are to be scrolled in front of JR
v      You may not use MP to exchange for mesos
v      Once your MP hit the below range, you will get promoted!
o     xDrop: ~30
o     xGram: 31~80
o     xLitre: 81 and above
o     This rule does not apply for xGallon :P

v      Exchange rate:-
o     Mark of Naricain (MoN): 50 MP + 10mil mesos
o     Scarlion Helm: 20 MP + 300 Power Elixirs*
o     Targar Helm: 30 MP + 300 Power Elixirs*
o     Zkm Basic SB: 10 MP + 300 Power Elixirs*
o     Normal SB: 8
o     Rare SB: 25
o     Super Rare SB: Depends on the situation
o     Equipment: 8 MP and above. (Depends on the situation.)
o     Common Scrolls: 10
o    Rare Scrolls: 25 (Depends on the situation.)
*Power Elixirs to be shared among helpers of the run.

f) MP will be deducted when you..
v      Exchange for items in guild bank / raid item / etc (of course… its an exchange rmb? :P)
v      Insult other guild member -5 MP (case by case basis)
v      Being disrespectful to GM / JR / Organiser -10 MP
v      Did not follow instructions given by GM / JR / Organiser  -10 MP
v      Being late for guild events/runs; Not turning up at last min (did not give a good reason and did not inform org)
o     Latecomers/Afk: after 15min, we will start minus-ing MP (Late 16min -1 MP, 17min -2GP, and so on..)
o     Later than 30min: Sit outside, minus 20 MP
o     Last minute withdrawal without inform: Minus 30 MP
v      Scam fellow guildmates -10 MP
v      Start / Join a KS war (case by case basis)
o     You risk being expelled from guild
o     Please provide SS/video to prove you are right
v      Use illegal programmes – >You risk being expelled from guild

v. Basic Info on Guild Events/Runs

v      For Normal Guild Runs
o     Organizers may change guild notice (ask JR help change) to recruit members, example, “Guild Zkm Run~ Gather at 1pm at El Nath~ Ch6~ Pls pm <ign> to register~ Thx!”
o     Members who are going are to leave their current PT and wait for PT invites

v      For Bigger-Scale Guild Runs
o     When organizing bigger-scale runs such as CWKPQ, registration shall start at least 1 day in advance
o     At least 1 JR/Gm to start invite
o     Post in BBS and guild notice, like, "Guild CWKPQ Run at <date> <time> <channel>, please leave your ign. Do state if you wan neck slot (MoN/re-MoN), and your current MoN stats.”

v      Any member can organise guild runs, as long as you get 1 JR/GM to join in.
v      There should be at least 4 guild members in the run (total 5) for it to be counted as guild run (and be rewarded with MP; More info on MPS below).
v      Do NOT spam Organiser / JRs / Gm with chats for invites.
v      Please be **PUNCTUAL**. When organizer say gather 1pm at <place>, means you show your face at <place> at 1pm, not 1pm only start walking there! And pls don’t afk after you reach!
v      PT slots are usually filled on a first-come-first-serve basis, so PM the Organiser early if you want a slot!

vi. Simple Rules for Guild Runs

v      Please remain silence when Organiser is arranging PT list.
v      Always follow/wait for instructions given by Organiser/JR/GM.
o     Do NOT make your own decisions at any time (example, commander say hit left, you go solo hit right)
o     Do NOT simply give out instructions (example, simply call others ress/loot, especially in HT, commander will know best when to ress/wheel; any mistake will affect the whole run)
v      Do refrain from chatting while bossing è so that we can down boss faster, less people die due to chatting (don’t laugh, cos it happen all the time!), and maybe go for 2nd round
v      Remove all auto mesos/item loot equips from pets.
v      Drops shall only be looted by Organiser. If Organiser dc/die, JR/GM shall help to loot.
o     For Helms/Basic Skillbooks, members pls wait for commands before you loot.
v      Loot stealers
o     If you looted accidentally, there will be first warning. No MP gained for that run, and -20 MP
o     2nd timer will be expelled from guild and get mega-ed as loot stealer in whole world (Worth it? :x)
v      All drops will go to members who need/guild bank.
v      Please bring enough pots, especially all cure potions for Zkm/CWKPQ. It would be good to at least bring enough ciders for bossing.

Together, let’s make FreshMilk a warm, friendly and reputable big family for all~! =D

**Please note that GPS is still in its early stage of development, so everything will be subjected to changes. In case of any confusion/discrepancies, GM / JR will make the final decision.


Intro ;

The Guild ;

Rank 14

Guild Alliance ;


Events ;

CWK Party Quest
Guild Party Quest
HT *coming soon - 30 Apr 2011*
Chaos Zakum *coming soon*

Requirement ;

Level 125

Guild Rule ;

No Ksing without a Valid Reason
No Scamming
No Insulting
Be Friendly xD

System ;

This guild will be using MPS system also known as Milk Point System . Member will have 5 MP each when they join the guild . MPs can be earned by joining Guild Events , Zakum , Scarlion , Ckw PartyQuest , Guild PartyQuest and other upcoming events . What are MPs use for? MPs can be used to exchange for some good items like skillbooks and scroll!

Guild Forum Link ;
Click Me !

Guild Web Link ;
Click Me !

Service ;

MoN Neck ( Mark Of Naricain ) 70mil

Black Listed o.o

ApriL29 ( Ks Ahma )
MrCoCoDk ( Ks Ahma )
BloodyStarz ( Raid Spooky Map )
X3DU3LP3STeR3 ( Ks Bf )

Time & CountDown ;

Rock the Chat Box ;

Rockings ;

Music Playlist at MixPod.com
100 Songs here ! If any problem with the song just go ahead and inform the guild Jr's , due to the blog's width cant be change if not it will become cacat again =/ so have to chg it to the mini mp4 version skin.

GM & JR List

FreshMilk Master [ xTons ]

Lvl 159 DarkKnight

FreshMilk JR's [ xGallon ]

Lvl 190 Hero

Lvl 171 Bowmaster

Lvl 157 NightLord

Lvl 200 Bishop

Lvl 171 Bishop

Lvl 174 Bowmaster

Lvl 123 Bishop

Lvl 126 Hero

Lvl 164 Paladin

Lvl 166 Crossbow Master

Lvl 144 Bishop

Lvl 142 DarkKnight

Lvl 147 Aran

lvl 170 NightLord

Lvl 155 Bishop

Members ;

History ;

Sep 10, 2010
Sep 13, 2010
Sep 15, 2010
Sep 20, 2010
Sep 26, 2010
Sep 27, 2010
Sep 28, 2010
Oct 1, 2010
Oct 2, 2010
Oct 3, 2010
Oct 4, 2010
Oct 5, 2010
Oct 6, 2010
Oct 10, 2010
Oct 11, 2010
Oct 12, 2010
Oct 16, 2010
Oct 18, 2010
Oct 20, 2010
Oct 25, 2010
Nov 6, 2010
Nov 8, 2010
Nov 11, 2010
Nov 14, 2010
Nov 16, 2010
Nov 18, 2010
Dec 5, 2010
Dec 7, 2010
Dec 13, 2010
Dec 16, 2010
Dec 25, 2010
Dec 26, 2010
Dec 28, 2010
Dec 29, 2010
Jan 1, 2011
Jan 3, 2011
Jan 9, 2011
Jan 23, 2011
Feb 2, 2011
Feb 5, 2011
Feb 11, 2011
Feb 19, 2011
Apr 2, 2011
Apr 3, 2011
Apr 10, 2011
Apr 17, 2011
Apr 19, 2011
Apr 20, 2011
Apr 21, 2011
Apr 24, 2011